Masiphumelele Rugby Club and Fish Hoek Cricket Club (FHCC) have started two brilliant youth programmes that should be celebrated.
For one moment, just consider a young boy or girl growing up in Masi being given the opportunity of becoming part of a community club, meeting loads of people from the surrounding residential areas of the South Peninsula. What an opportunity to grow and develop relationships that will last. They also develop pride in representing Ukhanyo Primary school and now their community club. Both FHCC and Masi RC have the same value-set as MasiSports and Ukhanyo. We are proud to be their partners.
Masiphumelele RC collects the under 8,9,10,11 and 13 Ukhanyo rugby players twice a week after their school practice and integrates them into their youth team’s practice. Over 50 rugby players go to the Masi RC Noordhoek fields after their school practice. Ukhanyo coaches Teddy Nyali, Aya Nadyokwe and Alfred Mazosiwe are part of this process so the children feel held and supported by their school coaches. The Ukhanyo kids play matches for the school during the week and the club on Saturdays.
Russell Speelman and Teddy coach the under-13 team, Aya the under-11s and Alfred the under-8s and 9s. This ensures continuity in the minds of the children, and they feel safe and supported. Patrick Dierhoff, Chairman of the Masi RC, is to be commended for his vision.
The great part about this is the coach integration between Ukhanyo and Masi RFC. The Club coaches ¬– Rob Ambrose, Lyle Wyngaardt, Theo Conradie, Ashraf Rademeyer and Russell Speelman – work with Teddy, Alfred and Aya enriching each other and the kids. Perfect.
It is important to contextualise the importance this programme. Two weeks ago, Masi under-13 youth team played another community team. That team arrived a number of players short due to the shooting incidents the night before in that township. The teams were then mixed in a friendly match and stories shared after the game. Integration and conversations are vital to learning.
To be part of the community club at an early age will ensure that once the players leave school they will be a full part of a special rugby club. The transition after school is easy and they will have a wealth of friends and real network in the valley. That might well open up so many doors.
MasiSports with the Rolf Nussbaum Foundation are delighted to contribute to the costs of this venture. It is a vital process in the growth of these young boys and girls. Integration, social cohesion, skills development, building friendships and playing against other communities north of the valley.
MasiSports are indebted to Masiphumelele Rugby Club.