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A wonderful gift of books 

The popular UCT Summer School programme has given MasiSports and the Masi schools a wonderful gift of about 250 children’s’ books for their libraries. Dr Medee Rall, director of the Development and Alumni department and Dr Melodie Wessels, the ex-president of the SA Association for Learning and Educational Differences, devised a process that would allow attendees at the popular annual summer school to donate books to MasiSports.

Vince van der Bijl gladly brought hundreds of books to Katherine Smith and Ruth Gona, who manage the Ukhanyo Primary School library and English lab run by Masicorp. They will sift through and distribute those suitable to Masi High and the two small Zimbabwe primary schools in Masi and to their own Ukhanyo library. Katherine and Ruth were delighted to find early reading matter for the Grade 1 to 3s, which had been in short supply.

The UCT Summer School has been a magnet for hundreds of participants. It is the only Summer School on the African continent.  The programme is open to everyone regardless of educational qualifications or age; the lectures are for non-degree purposes and do not involve examinations. It has proved a boon for those of any age who are hungry for more learning.

That generosity of spirit and giving will have a lasting impact of continuous learning in the Masiphumelele township. Thank you Medee and Mel and the UCT Summer School participants.