Once a week, all Grade 1s-4s learners at Ukhanyo Primary work on their literacy, numeracy and digital skills, thanks to the in-school programme run by Click Learning.
Click Learning was introduced in mid-2022 and is supported by MasiSports, at Ukhanyo. Click Learning is an NGO that uses technology to teach learners to read for meaning and to improve their numeracy skills. And because all lessons are based on tablets, learners are also given the opportunity to become more comfortable with using digital technology as a learning tool.
Click Learning facilitators help to run the sessions, ensuring that the children are following the programme correctly, and that the lessons run smoothly.
“The children are so excited to come to the Click Learning classes because it is something new and different,” says educator Ms Mehlomakhulu. “They come running in here and can’t wait to get given the tablets that they will use for the lesson.”
Learners work at their own pace during the classes, moving from level to level as they progress.
“Using technology really helps keep their attention, and helps them grasp the concepts more quickly,” says Ms Mehlomakhulu.
By the year 2025, Click Learning aims to reach 1 million learners, helping them read for meaning and calculate with confidence by 2030. Ukhanyo Primary is indeed privileged.