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Helping our coaches reach their dreams

our netball coaches

Coach education is a fundamental building block of MasiSports.

MasiSports has supported two of our netball coaches through their ECD teaching diploma. Feziwe Payi and Pam Ngcwana are dedicated to sport, PT, life skills and education. They have been wonderful coaches at Ukhanyo (with Fez also being in charge of the computer lab) since day one when MasiSports began its programme in 2017. They have recently completed their ECD diploma and will then go on to further teacher education. It is exciting to be involved in their development as they add richness and value to the school.

For Feziwe, the course gave her a much deeper insight on working with children:
“I had a fear of failure, so first I had to learn to unlock the doors to learning but at the same time the course was teaching me to be patient, empathetic and caring. I had to remember that every child is different and that you should only offer guidance when it is necessary.”

“I appreciate the opportunity Vince and MasiSports has given me. I set a certain mark for myself because I didn’t want to disappoint the people who pushed me and believed in me – my daughter, Vince and Michael Tyhali.”

And for Pam, the ECD course also held many lessons:
“I have learnt that I have to love and be passionate about the job, and not just be an educator or a teacher. You have to be a parent to the kids and I have learnt that I have to educate the children with love. I have also learnt that I have to treat the children equally so that they can feel safe as I learn to create a healthy environment for them in the ECD centre. I’ve also been taught communication skills – how to communicate and approach them appropriately, and how to be an active listener.”

MasiSports is delighted to help them reach their dreams.