Last week Masiphumelele was abuzz with excitement as a large protest procession of Ukhanyo cadets, sports kids and staff – all carrying anti-Gender Based Violence banners – marched down Poleka Road to Masiphumelele’s entrance. It was unexpected as it was powerful.
The march was the brainwave of Ukhanyo Head Michael Tyhali. It was not just a visual protest to highlight the serious sexual harassment and GBV that pervades our society. It was to envelop the Ukhanyo children in the process, producing banners and dressing in their best kit to absorb this strong message and share it with their families and community.
The march also showcased the smart cadets and their drilling skills. They were disciplined and precise.
Ukhanyo plays a strong and significant role in spreading important messages through the community. It facilitates the learning at a young age of the life skills of respect, helping others, discipline and promoting gender equality that can change future generations.
MasiSports is so proud to be involved with this extraordinary primary school, its Head, staff, coaches and children. They are out there, creative and aware and curious.