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Ukhanyo shines for Premier’s visit

Alan Winde

On the first of March 2023, Ukhanyo Primary was chosen to host the launch of the PedalPower/WC Government partnership, ‘Cool kid on a Bike’. Cycles give underprivileged children mobility and confidence – and safe cycling and road safety is the central theme of this important partnership. The partnership aims to assist all the schools in the Western Cape over time through a ‘Cool kid on a Bike’ life orientation lesson and later a practical demonstration.

The launch went off without a hitch. The array of speakers and a practical workshop enthralled the 250 Grade 4 Ukhanyo learners. There were impeccably behaved, and the dignitaries and visitors felt the soul of this remarkable school.

The event was attended by the WC Premier, Alan Winde, Western Cape Education Department Life Orientation leader Ismail Teladia, the Provincial Minister of Mobility Ricardo Mackenzie, the CEO of PedalPower Neil Robinson and the CEO of BenBikes Tim Mosdell.

This is a wonderful initiative and should be supported by all.

Ukhanyo was in 2017 was fortunate to partner with PedalPower, BenBikes, Quebeka and Cape Town Cycle Tour. The wonderful Louise de Waal taught Ukhanyo educators, coaches and learners the beauty of safe cycling and how to coach kids on how to ride. It was the start of an extraordinary cycling journey of both the primary and high schools in Masiphumelele. The combined cycle team from both schools have ridden two Cape Town Cycle Tours and will compete this year again with a team of 14. The team will consist of school children of mixed gender, our coach and an educator.

Ukhanyo was privileged to be asked to act as hosts and it was wonderful to welcome Alan Winde and his team so they could see the sports nets, field and astroturf, and meet the amazing school kids, staff, coaches and principal, Michael Tyhali.

Ukhanyo shines for Premier’s visit