Vince van der Bijl
John le Roux, an active MasiSports Ambassador and great UCT rugby and Noordhoek influencer, sent this article to me and suggested we ask Sipho Dyonase to share his story at the two Masiphumelele schools. The principals of Masi HS asked Sipho to speak to the Grade 12s at the beginning of the fourth term and help motivate them to give their all to do well in their Grade 12 exams. It was felt that a few of the students had lost hope.
Sipho’s story is a strong message of hope, vision and hard work leading to success. It is inspiring and Sipho is a fine speaker, using innovative imagery to get his message across.
In all my time at Masi HS I have never seen the Grade 12s this attentive and interested! His message resonated with the students, and we hope propels them to get better grades.
Sipho bravely narrates life story and it was though his resilience and a supportive Muizenberg family that he is now considered a fine leader and is referred to a “legend” by his coach. He especially wants to lift up those in Masiphumelele, where he lived.
Role models such a Sipho resonate with the Xhosa students in a way that few can. Sipho broke into English occasionally to share some main points to me in the background!
Sipho also spoke to the under-13 Ukhanyo Primary School rugby team. It is not a coincidence that two of the players were selected for the WP team.
Thank you Sipho.